Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Emma Halloween 2008 as Princess Leia or "your Highness"

As you may or may not have known, today is Star Wars day! May the fourth be with you. Get it? HAHA! Oh man I love it. Anyway. In celebration my Padawan and I sat down to watch The Empire Strikes Back (her choice btw...I've taught her well) and about 25 min into the movie, when the Rebels are evacuating Hoth, Emma says:

I think it's safe to say that Han Solo, Your highness, and Luke are going to save the day.

MY KID IS SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!!! Oh man do I love her.

And now to reminisce momentarily about my childhood and
Star Wars.

Star Wars has and always will be a big part of my life. It was my favorite thing to play as a kid. I wrote stories (still do) about the original characters as well as ones that I created. My walls were covered with Star Wars posters, pics that I tore out of magazines, and calenders that I disassembled. My shelves filled with action figures and paraphernalia. I still have it all. Packed into boxes. My dream is to one day own a house with a room dedicated completely to Star Wars. It's going to rock! But my fondest Star Wars memory had to be when I first "discovered" it. I was very little. Emmas age maybe younger. My family was staying in a hotel (I'm not sure where or why) and Star Wars was on. Now I know that I had seen it before cause my parents always talk about how it was the only thing my older brother would watch. But this must have been the first time I REALLY sat down and watched it cause I remember thinking "where have you been all my life". It was like receiving revalation. A truly magical experience that changed my life forever.

And so now I would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU George Lucas for creating Star Wars and allowing others to expand on your original idea creating thousands of hours of entertainment in the form of books, video games, and cartoons. And I forgive you for the latest 3 installments which were, for lack of a better term, bantha fodder. Please if you ever decide to make another 3 movies, let someone else write the scripts. And for the love of Yoda, DO NOT cast  Jake Loyd. Seriously dude what were you thinking??

Monday, April 5, 2010

Here is his freaky little face looking right at you.

So we are having a boy and have decided to name him Phineas. Emma has decided to name him Chippy. It's all good. I think Chippy is a fantastic nick name. We will most definitely call him that on a regular basis. What's great though is that whenever I call him Phin, Emma violently corrects me by yelling "Chippy!". We've had to have a few chats about how we have several names that we can use Chippy being one of them. She hasn't quite gotten her head wrapped around that one yet.

This is his profile. As it says on the photo.

Anyway. Emma Quote with back story.

While driving we past a cemetery and Emma was quite intrigued by the, what seemed to her, random "stones and rocks in the park". We then explained what a cemetery was and about death yada yada yada. It ended up being a about a 10 min conversation. This is what she came away with.

When we die and put a stone over our body and get a box to keep us safe from ants we will go and live with heavenly father. But I don't know where heavenly father lives.

*sigh* She's so awesome. I hope Chippy Phin is just a cool.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's a pink pineapple. How cool is that?!?!

At Sunflower they had pineapples for .99 each. I bought two :) Here's what Emma said when I asked her if she wanted some.

Oh no. I never eat pineapple. I hear it's terrifying.

Luckily I was able to get her to try a piece. She proceeded to eat until her tongue started to "hurt and feel a little weird".

Man do I love pineapple. And Emma.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I chose this pic because it looks like she could be telling someone that they are "so very rude".

We find out in 4 days what we are having. Emma thinks it's a girl. I figure either way we'll get some good Emma Quotes.

(leaving to go to a friends house) Bye mom! I will remember to be good and those other words you said!

Oh she also had her first negative boy interaction. She was telling some little boys not to do something and they told her to "go back to space". She stomped back over to me and said that they were "so very rude!". HAHA! Oh man I love it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I made a stuffed animal today and I only swore about a half dozen times! Huzzah for me. I'll post a picture when I decide to take one.

Emma Quote!

Hey! Those people are having fun with out me!!

People who don't like me are stubborn.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

SO my phone died. Like never to turn on again died. Which means I lost all of my awesome Emma Quotes. Needless to say I'm pissed. But she has come up with some more good ones so here you go.

MOM!!! You don't kick other peoples planets!!!! (apparently her ball is a planet)

Mom I think something is living in my head. I think it's hedgems.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So I'm 16 weeks pregnant. Everything's going great. People keep asking if I want a boy or a girl and I tell them I don't really care, cause I don't. Until about ten minutes ago. Why? Well, I'm doing that whole nesting thing, so I've been going through every box in our storage closet and I came across one that's filled with tiny baby Emma clothes. I now want a girl. So much so, I'm feeling extremely anxious. Like panic attack anxious. This is very bad. I should wait another week or two before I go in and find out the gender, but I'm not sure if I can wait that long. I'm freaking out!!

Emma Quote- Oh mom. I need some pills. I'm having a very interesting headache.

I feel NOTHING!!! (she was a little upset)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Even more Emma Quotes!!

Emma- I don't like spicy food

Conrad- Emma cool people like spicy food.

Emma- Like who?

Conrad lists off people.

Emma- Well they are not as cool as me.

I can't pretend mom cause I'm a real person.

Hey mom, look at my broken right brain.

Fries keep the insides of body warm.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Emma Quotes!

Daddy's in an angry world today. (HAHA)

I want to be in space to meet Jesus.

I had this little conversation with my mom and I didn't lie.

If it's a little less formal then I need to put it on.

Stop messing with the necklace I'm making shapes with or I will broke your arm.

Can I have some gum? I need some more gum energy.

I spy with my little eye something Caucasian.

We all just need to drive to heaven.

Dad you are being wicked to trick me to be mean.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So recently I've been having a lot of epiphany's about who I am and what makes me tick. Like my immediate dislike for needy people, or how my first reaction to anything is anger. One that I just figured out (yes it took my 22 years to figure it out...go on and laugh) is that I have an inherent need to rebel and be different. For example, as a teenager and a newly wed I felt the need to dye my hair outrageous and extremely cool colors. Then Conrad graduated form BYU in 08 and since that day I have been content with dyeing my hair a very normal shade of brown or not at all. About two months ago Conrad decided to go back to BYU to get a masters in art ed, cut off his extremely HOT long hair (I'm not bitter) and is now attending classes. And all I can think about is the color burgundy. Not to mention my overwhelming desire to say naughty four letter words and wear less then modest clothing. In short, BYU, Provo, rules in general really, bring out the worst in me. Fascinating that I'm a member of the church. But that is another blog for another time.

Emma Quote!

Emma- Mom what can I do to make my dreams come true?

Me- Work hard.

Emma- I can't work hard mom cause I'm just a little child.